TTS Basketball ๐Ÿ€ reach Junior NBA finals

TTS have had a tough Rookie season jumping in feet first into the Basketball England fixture programme but have achieved outstanding results. Recent results: our Year 10s got through to the Play-Offs . Then our Year 7s and Year 9s got through to the semi-finals.

Then BOOM!!!! Our Year 8s got through to the semi-finals last night against a very talented Heath Park School from Wolverhampton.

The game was tough and full of energy , during the first half the game remained a 4 point game with TTS leading the way, until the at the top of the 3rd quarter when TTS found that extra gear and pulled away to an even further lead. The game remained intense at a rapid pace. By the end of the 3rd quarter Heath Park had drawn it back to a 4 point game. The 4th quarter was a nail biter. Both teams threw everything into the game and left it all on the floor.

TTS kept control and composure and came away with the win.

๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ’ฅ FINALS NEXT. LETS GOOOOO TTS. What a Great season for all TTS Year Groups. Thank you and well done from Coach LG & Rawzone Basketball Club.



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